Mankind Pharma's Prega News to provide complete pregnancy care solution with new products

September 12, 2023 | Tuesday | News

Products have been crafted finely following years of research

Mankind Pharma's Prega News, India’s leading pregnancy detection card with an 85 per cent market share in the category, has unveiled a new range of products designed to support women.

The brand launched 6 new products in three different pregnancy phases:

Pre-Conception Phase 


  1. Ova News Ovulation Detection Kit to identify the five most fertile days when women can conceive.

  2. PregaHope Preconception Tablet for the Pre-Conception Phase supports the body in conceiving with the help of iron and folic acid tablets.

  3. PregaHope Fertility Lubricant in the Pre-Conception Phase helps couples to conceive.


During Pregnancy or Pre-Natal Phase 

  1. Prega News Advance for Detection Phase requires no container or dropper and comes with an easy-to-use thumb grip. It allows for rapid pregnancy tests with a single step.

  2. Prega News Value Pack comes with 2 Prega News kits, 2 urine containers and 2 gloves to make the entire process convenient


Pre-Natal and Post Pregnancy 

          6. PregaHappy Anti Stretch Mark Cream, has been introduced to reduce stretch marks and itching during the Pre-Natal and Post-Natal phase. 

The launch marks the recognition of Prega News as the ‘Expert Pregnancy Care Solution Partner’ to provide complete reproductive care. 



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