Gavi launches four vaccination programmes for lower income countries

June 15, 2024 | Saturday | News

Launch of preventive Ebola, routine multivalent meningitis, human rabies, and hepatitis B birth dose vaccination programmes

Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance has announced that the lower-income countries it supports can now apply to introduce four additional vaccines: preventive Ebola, human rabies vaccine for post-exposure prophylaxis, multivalent meningococcal conjugate and hepatitis B birth dose.

These four vaccine programmes were previously approved by the Gavi Board but put on hold either due to the COVID-19 pandemic (in the case of human rabies for post-exposure prophylaxis and hepatitis B birth dose); pending availability of suitable products (multivalent meningococcal conjugate); or appropriate policy recommendations (preventive Ebola).

The latest expansion of Gavi’s vaccine portfolio is in line with Gavi’s commitment to ensure lower-income countries have access to impactful vaccines as soon as possible.

The portfolio will be further expanded in Gavi’s next strategic period, from 2026–2030, which will seek to protect more people, against more diseases, faster than ever before. The continuation of all Gavi-supported programmes after 2025 is contingent upon successful fundraising for the Alliance’s next strategic period.


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