19 November 2018 | News
The collaboration between MobileHelp Healthcare and Polymap Wireless will allow healthcare providers to monitor patient glucose levels in addition to other vital signs such as blood pressure and weight through the MobileVitals® remote patient monitoring (RPM) platform
MobileHelp® Healthcare, a leader in personal and enterprise healthcare technology solutions, announced expanded diabetes management capabilities through a new business relationship with Polymap Wireless.
The collaboration between MobileHelp Healthcare and Polymap Wireless will allow healthcare providers to monitor patient glucose levels in addition to other vital signs such as blood pressure and weight through the MobileVitals® remote patient monitoring (RPM) platform.
The Polytel® Wireless Glucose Meter Accessory 3 (GMA3) is a Bluetooth Smart (BLE) adapter, configured to transfer medical data wirelessly from an in-home glucose monitor of the patient's choice to the MobileHelp Touch tablet base station, the communication hub of the MobileVitals system. The data is then seamlessly transferred to professional caregivers for review and feedback to the patient.
"Millions of patients have glucose meters they like to use, but they don't have the built-in connectivity they need to communicate with a smart monitoring device," said Pierre Landau, Founder and President of Polymap Wireless. "Our GMA3 adapter makes it easy and secure to incorporate those legacy glucose meters into a diabetes monitoring system, such as the MobileVitals RPM solution."
The GMA3 adapts to the following in-home glucose monitors:
The Polytel Wireless GMA3 adapters will be available as part of the MobileVitals RPM platform .