The government has imposed a moratorium on commercialization of Bt Bri...
New Page 1 A great scientist, teacher, and human being ...
Jubilant Biosys Ltd., a Bengaluru-based subsidiary of Jubilant Life Sc...
In the past few weeks, BioSpectrum has had face-to-face interact...
New Page 1 MNCs eyeing India A plethora of positive fac...
New Page 1 'Securacell is our first success' -Peter Bra...
As part of its Golden Jubilee Celebration and in line with the theme o...
For nearly a decade, there have been many murmurs within thefledg...
New Page 1 Drug Discovery in the 21st Century and Beyon...
Recently, the DST in association with the University of Hyderabad ...
Sir Stephen Brown, Chief Executive, UK Trade & Investment. Wha...
The role of computational tools in drug discovery and design is re...
The Government of Gujarat, Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission (G...
The biotech industry in India has two associations, popular as ABL...
Australia Australia's Biotech Burgeons The Australian b...
Millipore (India) Pvt. Ltd, manufacturer of a range of purification...
Image Visionary Having earned recognition as a leader in micr...
New Page 1 Wanted a National Biotechnology Policy The c...