KRABEVA, a monoclonal antibody (mAb) developed by Biocon, will help ex...
What is the current status of medical technology market in India? The...
According to a new market research report, “Home Healthcare Mark...
As the CPhI Global Pharma Index shows that the India's efforts t...
While statistics from infectious swine flu, Ebola seem staggering, the...
Agilent Technologies Inc., has introduced the newest member of its fam...
BioSpectrum interacted with Lovely Professional University (LPU), that...
What measures ICMR has taken up to boost the clinical trials space in ...
What is the current status of Grand Challenges Exploration (GCE)? What...
Kindly tell us something about Sustainable Development Programme of DS...
Sensing the immense opportunities in a burgeoning technology landscape...
E-commerce is an emerging market place for a large variety of commodit...
A question was recently asked by the Science and Technology Minister D...
Every individual’s blood cholesterol level influences the chance...
With expiring patents, proliferation of generic drugs, rising requirem...
Sivaram Malaikani, Head Procurement, AstraZeneca Pharma India Ltd. &n...
Hitesh Lilani, Purchase Manager - Operations Pan India, K-Hospitality ...
Shreekant Malvadkar, Assistant General Manager - Purchase, Emcure Phar...