Roche Diagnostics India has announced its latest diagnostic solution – the COVID-19 At-Home Test. The over-the-counter test is intended to be used for the detection of SARS CoV-2 infection in individuals with symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 and is approved by ICMR. COVID-19 At-Home Test can successfully detect SARS-CoV-2 virus including the Omicron variant.
Individuals can perform the self-test at home without special training or the supervision of a healthcare worker and expect results in 15 minutes. The test collects the sample from the front area of the nose instead of the nasopharynx, resulting in a simplified and more comfortable sampling procedure. The test will be available in e-pharmacies and local pharmacies and requires no prescription.
The self-test kit includes a test cassette, a sterile swab, a tube with liquid and nozzle cap, along with a step-by-step self-test guide and QR code to access the instruction video. Users will have to download the ‘My Covid-M’ app using the QR code which will help them read and interpret the test results and also update the results to the ICMR database.
The tube with liquid neutralises the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The test kit will also include a biomedical waste disposal bag for the kit following testing.