Trivitron has recently launched SonoRad V60 Ultrasound devoted to delivering excellent imaging systems and exceptional image quality. SonoRad V60 is equipped with modern intelligent system and smart solution design to deliver high-quality care to patients.
Trivitron SonoRad V60 imaging ultrasound machines are equipped with comprehensive image processing tools which lead to superior and consistent image quality. The product also offers VLucid platform, built with sophisticated image processing technologies with advanced intellectual tools and offer an efficient workflow for a wide range of applications.
The device is equipped with innovative colour flow technology that improves blood flow visualisation and offers 3D-like flow impression. The increased processing of the colour doppler provides more diagnostic confidence with improved blood flow detection and enhanced colour performance. The vascular anatomy visualisation and flow within the blood vessels are also increased.
SonoRad V60 is provided with a high-performance hardware architecture that offers excellent penetration using 25MHz high-resolution system capability. It helps add more than 30 per cent wideband frequencies that offer a better diagnosis as it improves the resolution.