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The vaccines innovators and manufacturers who have produced over 15 billion COVID-19 vaccines to date are making a proposal that would ensure new vaccines developed for future global pandemics would reach all priority populations equally, wherever they live, thereby addressing a key element of vaccine inequity that hampered the roll out of COVID-19 vaccines in many lower-income countries.
The trade bodies representing vaccines innovators and manufacturers who have collaborated closely to bring their collective expertise and knowhow in response to this pandemic, have agreed to jointly endorse the Berlin Declaration framework which outlines how the industry would reserve an allocation of real-time production of vaccines for distribution to priority populations in lower-income countries for future global pandemics.
The vaccine makers invite the G7, G20 to take up industry’s proposal as an integral part of their future pandemic planning and call on high-income countries to take steps to ensure the necessary political and financial support to deliver the vaccines to lower income countries to prioritise improving their health systems so they are better prepared to distribute the vaccines.
The Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO), Developing Countries Vaccine Manufacturers’ Network (DCVMN) and the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) have been key players in the historic effort to scale up the manufacturing of COVID-19 vaccines. At the close of the meeting “Global Equity & Timely Access: COVID-19 and Beyond” on 22 October, hosted by DCVMN in Pune, the trade bodies announced that they would join forces in support of the “biopharmaceutical industry vision for equitable access in pandemics” which was launched in July 2022 in Berlin.