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The 19th edition of BioAsia, the annual flagship event of the Government of Telangana will be held between February 24th and 25th, 2022 in a virtual format. The theme of this year’s edition is ‘Future Ready’ and would focus on exploring the industry’s current position and future potential, new approaches and capabilities required to be ready as the life sciences industry develops its future growth strategy.
The event will bring together leaders from the industry, research, innovation and governments from more than 70 countries to address the wide-ranging needs of the healthcare system.
The conference will provide a unique opportunity to pharma and biotech companies, CROs, CMOs, CDMOs, biotech start-ups, academic institutions, scientists and researchers, policymakers, and regulatory experts across the globe to assess the industry’s current position and deliberate on the imperatives for future growth and other insightful topics related to the life sciences industry.
The two-day event will witness a wide array of panels focussing on the Future of the Life-Sciences amid the ongoing pandemic and the ways the industry must be focussing on to combat any future pandemics.