Department of Biotechnology in Partnership with India International Centre, New Delhi, has organized a Photo Exhibition titled "Celebrating Indian Women in Science: An Incredible Journey".
The aim of the exhibition is to remember, acknowledge and showcase the stories of great Indian women scientists on International women’s day, who have contributed to the development of science through their outstanding work.
Addressing a press conference at the venue Secretary DBT, Dr. Renu Swarup said that Women Scientists play an important role in the socio-economic development of a Nation and for over 100 years women scientists in India have proven their strength and made great contributions to the scientific growth of the country.
“It is important to celebrate the journey of women in science in India, it is important to remember, acknowledge and showcase the stories of these women scientists who have contributed to the development of science through their outstanding work.” said Dr. Swarup.
The exhibition was inaugurated by the Secretary, DBT and President, IIC at the India International Centre in New Delhi. The Exhibition will remain open till 15th March, 2019. 40 women scientists from various fields of science have been featured in the posters. A panel discussion on the same topic was held today at the India International Centre as well. The panel discussion and inauguration was attended by renowned women scientists from universities, institutes, IIT Delhi, and Principals of Delhi colleges.