Chennai-headquartered Neuberg Diagnostics has announced a joint venture (JV) with Pulse Diagnostics in Kolkata, to expand integrated diagnostics centres combining advanced pathology and advanced radiology modalities across Eastern & North Eastern States.
The new company will be called Neuberg Pulse Diagnostics and will integrate the ten labs of Neuberg located across East India with the nine integrated diagnostic centres of Pulse Diagnostics in Kolkata. This will result in close to 20 integrated diagnostic centres, 20 labs, and over 200 collection centres covering the entire length and breadth of Eastern India within this financial year.
Sunaina Bihani will be the MD & CEO of the Joint Venture, and will be ably supported by the Neuberg’s leadership team. 7i Capital Advisors, Indian partner of Clairfield, acted as the exclusive sell side advisor to Pulse Diagnostics and its shareholders in this transaction.
The partnership between Neuberg Diagnostics and Pulse Diagnostics is expected to improve access and affordability for high end integrated diagnostic services across Eastern India. With this merger, Neuberg group becomes one of the largest diagnostics providers in East India with annual revenues to reach more than Rs 100 crore in this financial year with an aim to triple this revenue in the coming three years.