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Bengaluru-based Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms (C-CAMP) is joined by Swissnex in India to launch an IndoSwiss bilateral innovation collaboration in Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) space.
The partnership will seek to create avenues for deeper Indo-Swiss cooperation in reducing India’s and the world’s AMR burden by urgently enabling exchanges in AMR science and innovation.
The agreement was signed on 7th Oct, 2022 at C-CAMP premises by its CEO-Director Dr Taslimarif Saiyed and Jonas Brunschwig CEO, Consul General, Swissnex in India
The agreement underlines C-CAMP’s growing prominence as a global destination for cutting-edge AMR innovation.
Dr Saiyed welcomed the signing saying that, “C-CAMP is eagerly looking forward to operationalizing this new Indo-Swiss bilateral partnership in the crucial domain of AMR. It will be underpinned by C-CAMP’s strong portfolio of AMR technologies ranging from AMR therapeutics/drug discovery, preventatives and diagnostics, together addressing the multi-layered problem of AMR from a holistic viewpoint."
Jonas Brunschwig mentioned Switzerland’s strong interest in strengthening ties with Indian research and innovation ecosystem and said “Both India and Switzerland share a concern for antimicrobial resistance (AMR), which is why Swissnex in India is working to bring the two countries together on the issue."