Goitre patient treated using Made in India Near-Infrared Imaging tech

July 27, 2022 | Wednesday | News

NIFI uses Infrared technology to identify and preserve the parathyroid glands during thyroid surgery

A 59-year-old male patient was treated for large thyroid swelling (goitre) using Made in India technology of Near-Infrared Imaging (NIFI) manufactured by Bengaluru-based Irillic. The patient was operated at CK Birla Hospital.


NIFI uses Infrared technology to identify and preserve the parathyroid glands during thyroid surgery. The use of NIFI offers significant benefits to patients by reducing the post thyroid surgery calcium derangement to <1 per cent. The use of a nerve monitor helps in identifying and preserving the voice nerve. Near-Infrared imaging is an effective technology for identifying the parathyroid gland during surgery. 



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