RGCI installs Made-in-India surgical robotic system, SSI-Mantra

July 14, 2022 | Thursday | News

The robot will provide an advanced method of surgery, which will be accessible to the general public at a much lower cost

Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Center, New Delhi (RGCI) have installed the first-ever Made-in-India Surgical Robotic System, SSI-Mantra, devised by the new-age Indian med-tech start-up SS Innovations. The ingenious SSI Mantra is the brainchild of robotic cardiac surgeon Dr Sudhir P Srivastava.


The robot is will provide an advanced method of surgery, which will be accessible to the general public at a much lower cost. The cutting-edge SSI Mantra is modular, flexible, and versatile in comparison to leading global surgical systems.


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