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HearClear, a startup providing advanced hearing care solutions, has entered into partnership with Neuberg Diagnostics, a pan-India diagnostic chain with 250+ lab networks in India. With the collaboration, the brand will establish an integrated hearing care ecosystem at Neuberg Diagnostics centres across the country.
In order to mark the beginning of the collaboration, HearClear and Neuberg Diagnostics recently came up with a new clinic in Raipur. This clinic will help in offering enhanced hearing care solutions and comprehensive diagnostic services to people of the region.
The association comes as part of HearClear’s plan to serve a broader audience base suffering from hearing impairment. To drive awareness and give treatment, the brand will be setting up an auditory diagnostic space within the facility of Neuberg Diagnostics to conduct tests under the supervision of expert audiologists.
Fortifying the partnership further, Neuberg Diagnostics will be listing HearClear as its audiometry partner across the website and mobile apps for providing comprehensive hearing diagnostics and hearing aids to the customers.
To maximise the output of the collaboration, HearClear will also be representing the camps and on ground activities conducted by Neuberg Diagnostics as their hearing partner.