India-UK collaboration to drive innovation in medical research

12 June 2024 | News

To collaborate in advanced biosensors and medical sciences, with a particular focus on human health and veterinary medicine

The Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore, India and United Kingdom's University of Surrey have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in order to drive innovation in semiconductor technology and medical research. The collaboration between IISc and Surrey is supported by the Karnataka State Government in India.

Both universities will explore opportunities in semiconductor new materials, design, and device fabrication. The MoU will also see the two institutions collaborate in advanced biosensors and medical sciences, with a particular focus on human health and veterinary medicine. The collaboration will aim to improve human and animal health through innovative technologies.

"Over the last several years, IISc has established leadership in the areas of Semiconductor technology, Nanomaterials and Biological Sciences and will soon establish a Postgraduate Medical School to foster and amplify interdisciplinary collaborations between Engineering, Basic Sciences and Medicine. This MoU offers a unique opportunity to leverage the mutual strengths of the two universities to create a big impact on these critical technologies", said Professor Navakanta Bhat, Dean, Division of Interdisciplinary Sciences, IISc Bangalore.


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