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Bengaluru-based MedGenome, a global partner for comprehensive multiomics solutions, has announced a grant for De Novo Genome Assembly and Annotation, in collaboration with American firm PacBio, a pioneer in long-read sequencing.
The winner will be selected by a panel of experts from MedGenome and PacBio. The grant awardee will receive end-to-end support to sequence, assemble, and annotate a high-quality reference genome for their organism of choice as well as an opportunity to present their research at future MedGenome and/or PacBio events. As part of the programme, MedGenome will work closely with the winner to support publication of the genome.
Reference genomes are at the foundation of modern genomics, yet the large majority of organisms have not been decoded. MedGenome, a leader in genome assembly and annotation, uses state-of-the-art technologies including PacBio long reads, Hi-C chromosome conformation capture technology and transcriptomic data, to produce well-annotated reference quality genomes.
An additional 5 projects will be selected to receive a MedGenome discount of up to 30% on their genome project based on project complexity and scope.