American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) in its recent report mentioned that there is a direct connection between oral hygiene and COVID-19. Dr James G Wilson, President, AAP, says, "It is well-established that systemic inflammation is not only linked with periodontal disease, but to several other respiratory diseases as well. Therefore, maintaining healthy teeth and gums in an effort to avoid developing or worsening periodontal disease is absolutely crucial in the midst of a global pandemic like COVID-19, which is also known to trigger an inflammatory response.”
Furthermore, a report by McGill University in Montreal, Canada, has found a direct link between gums with inflammation and infection and even connected how oral hygiene can play a part in aggravating COVID-19 complications and even lead to deaths. According to this study people that have gums issues or periodontitis are 8.8 times more likely to die of COVID-19. Not just his, such people are 3.5 times more likely to require hospitalisation for COVID-19 and 4.5 times more likely to require a ventilator.
It has also come to light that oral health plays a pivotal role even in the post-recovery period. Shedding more light on this, Dr Mohendar Narula, Founder and Chairman, MyDentalPlan Healthcare says, “Taking care of your gums and oral hygiene was always vital but it has become even more significant during this pandemic. In this second wave of COVID-19, oral symptoms are on the rise. However, maintaining optimum gum health with simple steps such as brushing twice a day, tongue cleaning, flossing and gargles can help people combat these life-threatening diseases even better. Furthermore, professional dental cleanings twice a year and regular dental check-ups are known to minimise the severity of COVID-19 and the associated complications.”