Indus Health Plus has launched COVIDNAwise, a revolutionary genomics test to know the predisposition of COVID-19. The test will inform genetic risks about 18 parameters under three categories – Susceptibility and Severity of COVID-19, Nutrition & COVID-19, and Co-morbidities of COVID-19.
Scientists are coming up with new findings every few days elucidating the role of host genetic factors in response to this infection. Although there is still a lot to understand yet, there exist studies that show an association between different genetic polymorphisms and the risk of various COVID-19 related parameters. Based on this latest available knowledge, Indus Health Plus came up with this COVIDNAwise test.
Amol Naikawadi, Joint Managing Director, Indus Health Plus, Pune said, “In times of COVID, it is critical that people understand the value of prevention and follow the proper guidelines as everyone is at risk of getting infected. However, the impact of infection may have a different response in individuals based on their genetic makeup or formation. Therefore, with our expertise in the field of genetics, we are unfolding a unique platform of prevention, COVIDNAwise in an endeavour to create a healthy future for people.”
COVIDNAwise test will help in decoding the genetic makeup and informing an individual about their genetic susceptibility and genetic risk for severe complications associated with COVID-19 like respiratory failure etc. (severity) of COVID-19. Besides, it will enable the understanding of the genetic risk of deficiency of various nutrients that are immunity boosters and catalysers for good metabolism to fight the infection. Apart from that, it will also accentuate the comorbidities like diabetes, obesity, hypertension, etc. that can aggravate the severity of COVID-19 infection.
COVIDNAwise is a saliva-based user-friendly genetic test that can be done from the comfort of home. Indus Health Plus has a strong network across the country that provides door – to – door sample collection service for consumers.
The package is available pan India, at an affordable price and includes a saliva sample kit, reports, and counselling by a genetic counsellor. The test reports are comprehensive and consumer-friendly. Testing and reporting involve cutting edge technology and international standards.