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With COVID-19 spreading like wildfire through the globe and very little achieved in terms of a vaccination or a preventive medicine, there is evidence to suggest that homeopathy may be able to provide safe prophylaxis against modern infectious diseases such as the novel coronavirus, passed on from animals to humans. Conventional medicine is still struggling to find specific treatment for novel viruses and medical research laboratories are yet to discover an effective vaccination.
The current phase is crucial in generating evidence that will inform prescription practices for this illness for the immediate future. Homeopathy has effectively treated severe and life-threatening viral infections in the past and may well play a crucial role, particularly, in COVID-19 patients not responding to conventional medicines.
Commenting on the effectiveness of homeopathy in treating viruses and infections, Dr. Kalyan Banerjee and founder, Dr. Kalyan Banerjee’s Clinic said, “Homeopathy has a long history of prophylaxis against epidemics and a lot has been said about increasing the immunity with homeopathy. Historically, homeopathy was used to treat and protect against the Spanish flu epidemic after World War 1. A researcher called Marino has published peer reviewed research about homeopathic prophylaxis against swine flu and dengue.”
Dr. Kushal Banerjee, a second-generation homeopath at the Clinic said, “Dengue and swine flu can result in multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (M.O.D.S.) which can be life threatening. Homeopathic prescriptions have frequently helped patients in intensive care. We noted similar positive effects in Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (S.A.R.S.) cases as well. This is the kind of background that informs homeopathic advice on modern infectious diseases like the novel clinical entity, COVID-19.”
Dr. Kushal Banerjee added, “Over the last ten years, treatment of an average of 20,000 cases over several cycles of these diseases can be considered enough anecdotal evidence as their protective effect and outcomes have been quite encouraging. Conventional medicine, too, does not have any specific treatment for COVID-19 and suggested medicines like hydroxychloroquine as well as anti-viral medicines in different combinations are also still in the trial stage, achieving only variable degrees of success. Homeopathy, with its rich and consistent history of addressing viral infections, both as prophylaxis and treatment, should be considered a serious therapeutic option. Just as conventional medicine is engaged in the treatment and prevention of COVID-19 with little or no evidence base to work with, homeopathy should be, too.”
While a cure or vaccine for COVID-19 is not available in homeopathy, in the absence of any side-effects and adverse interactions with any conventional medicines along with a robust safety profile and repeated evidence-based successes in prophylaxis against viral infections, homeopathy may play an important role in the fight against COVID-19.