Waters introduces new arc HPLC system

June 25, 2020 | Thursday | News

To Help Laboratories Meet Quality and Production Targets

Waters Corporation has introduced the Waters™ Arc™ HPLC System, a new high-performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC) for routine testing in the pharmaceutical, food, academic and materials markets.

A key target application is quality control laboratories performing batch release tests on small molecule pharmaceuticals. Waters also announced the availability of Waters™ Empower™ BC LAC/E™ with SecureSync, its newly enhanced data back-up and recovery solution purpose-built for organizations with distributed laboratory environments.

The Arc HPLC System is for laboratories looking for a rugged, reliable and modern HPLC system that can run established HPLC methods regardless of the brand of liquid chromatograph on which they were originally developed, while preserving the chromatographic retention time reproducibility of those methods.

The system offers ultra-low analyte carryover, superb injection precision and backpressure tolerance to 9,500 psi at 5.0 ml/min. It is designed to meet all the requirements of a top-of-the-line HPLC system in a cost-competitive package that takes routine testing to the next level.

The Arc HPLC runs on Waters’ compliant-ready, industry-leading Empower 3 Chromatography Data Software trusted by thousands of clients for whom data integrity is of paramount importance.

Waters expects the Arc HPLC System to be available for shipping worldwide in July.


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