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New Delhi-based startup HempStreet is conducting a year-long clinical trials to help women suffering from Primary Dysmenorrhea in collaboration with Amrita School of Ayurveda. The university was founded in 2004 and is based out of Kerala.
HempStreet intends to use this randomized controlled trial to assess cannabis-based medicines' clinically reported analgesic effect in Primary Dysmenorrhoea, a condition characterized by painful menstrual cramps in the lower abdominal region.
According to WHO data, menstrual pain affects up to 94% of young girls aged 10-20 and 8.8% of women aged 19-41. Recent research by a pioneer in the field concluded that the disease rate had increased dramatically, from 34% to 87% in India.
HempStreet plans to generate robust evidence supporting the benefits of Ayurvedic treatments through these clinical trials on 60 volunteers.The volunteers will be subjected to ultrasound sonography, blood tests, and urine analysis at the Amrita School of Ayurveda in Kerala. Subjects 14-40 years old with Primary Dysmenorrhea and ones with regular menstrual periods lasting 21 to 35 days and menstruation lasting 3 to 7 days will participate in the randomized double-arm-controlled trial.