KnowDis brings together stakeholders to solve healthcare problems through AI

14 October 2022 | News

Answering critical questions related to the use of AI to address health problems

KnowDis, a New Delhi-based deeptech startup developing cutting edge artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms and applications, virtually hosted the fourth edition of KnowDis Machine Learning Day in collaboration with Yardi School of AI, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, on 14th October 2022.

Renowned subject matter experts from IIT Delhi, IIT Bombay, Harvard University and Google took part in this event. The conference explored the potential of AI/ML in improving human health and life, including industrial applications.

For instance, Professor Milind Tambe of Harvard University and Director "AI for Social Good" at Google Research India, with Dr Aparna Taneja from Google Research India demonstrated the efficacy of AI tools in delivering maternal and child health programmes.

On the other hand, Saurabh Singal, IIT Delhi & Carnegie Mellon alumnus, and Founder of KnowDis, revealed the research and application potential of AI for developing highly accurate and effective antibodies. 

“The challenge in finding a cure resides in the nature of the disease causing antigens. The antigens causing neurodegenerative disorders are one of the most notorious since the proteins that make up these antigens are yet to be definitively mapped. Research so far shows us that these antigens are also shape shifters! This makes the synthesis of any potential antibody even more laborious, especially with the current set of tools and processes that exist in the world today.” says Saurabh Singal.

With the use of AI and advanced computational models, KnowDis hopes to be able to simulate potential antibodies which would have a high probability of success in combating the target antigens. However, such models do not yet exist.

“With this AI platform, drug discovery and drug design processes would advance a hundred years! The same processes that today take up to 3 years, would be possible in the span of a single day!” concludes Singal.


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