24 April 2014 | News | By BioSpectrum Bureau
Health ministry invites comments on minimum clinical standards
National Council for Clinical Establishments under the chairmanship of Director General of Health Services (DGHS), Government of India in consultation with various stakeholders has prepared draft minimum standards for various categories of Clinical Establishments for implementation of the Clinical Establishments Act.
The comments, suggestions, objections, including deletions or additions if required in the draft documents are invited from public at large, including the
stakeholders like hospitals and other clinical establishments, consumer groups etc. The comments may kindly be sent to Dr Anil Kumar, CMO at his email- id dr.anilkumar@nic.in with in one month of publication of this Notice on the website. A copy of the same may also be endorsed to nsdharmshaktu@yahoo.com
The Indian Public Health Standards(IPHS) four Sub-centre, PHC, CHC,
Sub-district/Sub-divisional hospital and District hospital are already approved documents. The comments are being invited only on the draft minimum standards and not on the IPHS. The last date for sending the comments is April 30, 2014.