Applications are invited for "Tata Innovation Fellowship", a highly competitive scheme instituted by the Department of Biotechnology, ministry of science and technology, government of India to recognize and reward scientists with outstanding track record in biological sciences and a deep commitment to find innovative solutions to major problems in healthcare, agriculture and other areas related to life sciences and biotechnology.
The scheme is aimed at rewarding interdisciplinary work where major emphasis is on innovation and translational research with a potential towards commercialization.
The fellowship is open to Indian Nationals residing in India who are below the age of 55 years as on 21st November, 2015. The fellowship is co-terminus with the superannuation of fellow in his organization. The applicant should possess a Ph.D degree in Life Sciences, Agriculture, Veterinary Science or a Master's degree in Medical Sciences, Engineering or an equivalent degree in Biotechnology / related areas. The applicant must have outstanding contribution and publication in the specific area. The candidate must have a regular permanent position in a University/Institute/ Organization and should be engaged in research and development. If he/she is availing any other fellowship, he/she will have to opt for only one of the fellowships. The applicant should have spent at least 5 years in India before applying for the fellowship besides possesing vidence of outstanding track record and a deep commitment to find innovative solutions to major problems in health care, agriculture and other areas related to life sciences and biotechnology.
The amount of the fellowship is Rs 25,000/- per month in addition to regular salary from the host institute. If an awardee is receiving salary from international organization,he will be entitled for research grant i.e. contingency only. In addition, each Fellow will receive a contingency grant of Rs 6 lakh per annum for meeting the expenses on consumables, equipment, international and domestic
travel, manpower and other contingent expenditure to be incurred in connection with the implementation of ongoing research project under the fellowship.
The Tata Innovation Fellows would be eligible for other regular research grant(s) through extramural and other research schemes of various S&T agencies of the Government of India. The candidate will continue to work at the place of his/her employment. The Institution where the candidate is working would provide the necessary infrastructure and administrative support for pursuing the research under this
fellowship. ive per years. hree years, extendable further by two years on a fresh appraisal.
Application (six copies) may be sent as per proforma downloadable from DBT website latest by 21st November, 2015.