Data shows increase in the number of published papers in science and engineering along with ones publised through international collaboration between 2011 to 2013
As per data accessed from Web-of-Science, the total number of S&T research papers in which India has collaborated with other countries in 2013 is 66,580 papers in science and engineering (S&E) from India and 28,551 papers through international collaboration with 42 percent share from international collaborative papers.
In 2012, the number of S&E papers was 63,375 and the ones through international collaboration stood at 24,788, with 39.11 percent share of international collaborative paper. In 2011, the numbers were slightly lesser as the number of papers of S&E were 56,666, and papers with international collaboration were at 22,009 having a collaborative paper share of 38.84 percent.
Government has initiated S&T cooperation with African nations under India-Africa Forum Summit; Research Training Fellowship for developing country scientists to work in Indian institutions.
Under the Look-East policy of the government of India, S&T collaboration has been augmented with Far-east countries. Dedicated joint research and development (R&D) collaborative funds have been established with countries such as Australia, European Union (EU), France, Germany, Hungary, South Korea, Switzerland, United Kingdom (UK), and United States of America (USA).