In a fitting way to celebrate a decade of existence, Indian biotech's representative body, ABLE (Association of Biotech Led Enterprises) has set up a platform to recognize cutting-edge innovations in the biosciences arena since 2001.
Titled as the "Best Biotech Innovations of the 21st century", the online competition has invited entries to identify, award and publish innovations in the biosciences field. The categories for the innovations not only include standard ones such as biologics and synthetic biology, but also include regulations and investment strategies. The innovations can be both in the process and product and sometimes in the way things are done or delivered.
The call states that, "Innovations are the currency that makes things happen in the biotechnology space, many of which occur in small and mid-sized companies. Being a young science the frequency of innovations has now begun to increase."
ABLE will be celebrating their 10th anniversary in March 2013 and has various plans for commemorating it in New Delhi next year. The last date for submission is 31st December 2012 and additional details can be obtained at the ABLE website.