Passive survelliance of Midddle East passengers to check MERS spread
Bangalore: "The screening of passengers will begin in two days' time," said health minister, Mr U T Khader. The state health department also issued orders to Rajiv Gandhi Institue for Chest diseases and Wenlock Hospital in Mangalore to reserve ten beds each to treat patients suspected with Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS).
The health minister said that a high alert has been issued at the two international airports in the state, Bangalore and Mangalore. Mr Khader remarked that a sizeable population travelled into India from the Middle East and these steps are taken as a precautionary measure to curb the spread of the virus.
Dr Rajesh, district surveillance officer said that it is a passive surveillance measure, as WHO does not see the disease as an epidemic and hence all the passengers cannot be screened. He further remarked that passengers with symptoms like cough, cold, headache and fatigue would be requested to approach the screening counters and health assistance will be provided to those infected.