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Prime Minister Narendra Modi has inaugurated virtually two institutes of Ministry of Ayush which will further promote holistic healthcare scenario in the country. The ‘Central Research Institute of Yoga & Naturopathy’ (CRIYN) at Jhajjar, Haryana, and the National Institute of Naturopathy (NIN) titled ‘NISARG GRAM’ in Pune, Maharashtra were inaugurated.
Central Research Institute of Yoga & Naturopathy, Jhajjar (Haryana), built under the aegis of Ministry of Ayush, includes a 200 bedded hospital with OPD, Treatment Block, Academic block, Hostel and Residential Block apart from Yoga Block and Diet Block. The 19 acre project has been built with a cost of Rs 63.88 crore.
NISARG GRAM is a 250 bedded hospital with multi-disciplinary research and extension service centre along with a Naturopathy Medical College for Under Graduate (UG)/Post Graduate (PG) /Para Medical Courses. The college is also having residential & non-residential facilities comprising Boys & Girls Hostel, Auditorium, Yoga Hall, Cottages, and the famous Gandhi Memorial Hall is also an integral part of the campus. The 25 acre project costs a total of Rs 213.55 crore.