Why did you pursue biotechnology as a career choice?
Biotechnology-based research is currently being used extensively to assist in the development of technologies, therapeutics and vaccines that are required for betterment of human health and society. I find this very exciting and thus selected and continued to pursue a career in biotechnology.
Do you feel contented now, having opted this career?
My research work is essentially translational with the hope to find a cure or a better vaccine for diseases that have plagued the under-developed and developing world for centuries. It is a very emotionally and mentally satisfying career option. My current position at the ICGEB-Emory Global Vaccine center gives me the unique opportunity to strengthen ties within India and also work across geographical boundaries.
Is biotechnology a good option for career growth in women?
Just as any other field, one has to be dedicated, honest, hardworking, competitive and aggressive to pursue their goals. The field of biotechnology is no different. It is a level playing field, where in we all have equal opportunity to succeed as researchers, and thus it is aptly suited for both women and men who want to engage in innovative and cutting-edge science.
Who is your role model?
Human beings are not stand-alone islands. What we do, or who we become in life is multi-factorial. To name one person as a role model would be unjust to all the other wonderful people who have inspired me both personally and professionally.
What are your aims and objectives in life?
My aim in life is to be a productive human being who contributes to the society that I live in. As a scientist, my aim is to ultimately have a better understanding of the immune responses to diseases that we currently have no therapies, vaccines or ways to diagnose. For India to succeed globally and develop economically, we need to free ourselves of infectious diseases such as malaria that handicap our society with severe morbidity and mortality on a yearly basis. My ultimate goal as a researcher is to contribute to India's scientific self-sufficiency and progression towards becoming a first world nation.
As a woman, how do you perceive the biotechnology industry?
In my personal experience, I have never felt any discrimination based on the fact that I am a woman. Your professional growth primarily rests on your scientific capabilities and I would strongly recommend the biotechnology industry as a career choice.