A renowned leader in cancer prevention research and public health, Dr Shalini Singh is currently serving as the Director of Indian Council of Medical Research - National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research (ICMR-NICPR), Noida. She started her journey in science at a very young age during a visit to her father’s dental clinic where she learnt how to interact with patients, listen to their complaints, understand their socio-cultural background which gives insights regarding their compliance to treatment, willingness for follow-up and how to personalise the treatment to their needs. This culminated in her becoming a gynaecological cancer surgeon later. With extensive experience in noncommunicable disease (NCD) prevention and management, she has played a pivotal role in advancing strategies for early detection and screening of oral, breast, and cervical cancer in India. Under her leadership, NICPR has strengthened cancer prevention initiatives, focusing on capacity building, awareness programmes, and research-driven interventions. Dr Shalini has been instrumental in developing and implementing national guidelines for cancer screening, ensuring accessibility and efficiency in early detection efforts. She is also heading the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control Knowledge Hub on Smokeless Tobacco and the National Tobacco Testing Laboratory, under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.
“Science should serve to make people healthier and happier and instead of a longer life with disease and drugs!”
-Dr Shalini Singh, Director, National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research