Lupin will support Merck Serono in the implementation of the company's...
The New Delhi based pharma major Ranbaxy Laboratories has announc...
New Page 1 “Focus was on creating exchange mechanisms ...
IKMC 2011: Global Innovation Exchange discusses the steps to be t...
On a strategic tour of India to improve collaborations between re...
The cabinet committee on economic affairs (CCEA) has approved the prop...
Human resources Industry suffers from lack of skilled people, af...
CEO: KV Balasubramaniam Surging Ahead Indian Immunologicals has gro...
The union minister of science and technology and earth sciences, Mr S ...
New Page 1 BT Parks - West Gujarat: Going from Strength...
Extensive research to increase the productivity and quality of mu...
There is a raging question on controlling foreign direct investme...
BioAgri was the fastest growing biotech segment registering 23 p...
Mr Sekhar Natarajan Former CEO &...
Management of Intellectual Property The Driver of Biotechno...
9Shantha Biotechnics Head:Dr KI Varaprasad Reddy (MD) B...
New Page 1 Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Roadmap to rep...
Bharat and Shantha make India proud in biopharma. India can take ...