Choosing a Cloud-Based EHR Software Solution for Medical Practice

22 October 2020 | Views

Amid multiple healthcare practitioners shifting to using EHR software, the question remains whether to opt for a client-server EHR software or a cloud-based EHR software? To ensure that the right decision shall be made, it is essential to understand what EHR is exactly. Let’s take a look.

Image Source : Custom-Soft

Image Source : Custom-Soft

What is an EHR Software?

In the simplest terms, EHR software provides the digital papers of a patient’s medical details.

EHR is the abbreviation for Electronic Health Records, which in itself is self-explanatory.

The main aim of the best electronic health records software is to provide professionals with the treatment and medical histories of the patients. Apart from this it also provides a broader view of the patients care necessities. EHRs will bring about a positive change by creating a standardized format that all healthcare providers will begin using. This will make it easy to share patient records and discuss further care options.

What is a cloud-based EHR Software?

Generally, EHRs are stored on a server (local, in a clinic or external, on the cloud) which makes it possible for authorized doctors and clinical staff to access these files. A cloud-based EHR software can be identified as all data is available to any device that can be connected to the Internet as it is stored on an external server.

The data mining capabilities of the software allows admins to keep a tab on the work process to convert weaknesses into strengths. The best EHR software will enable the identification of potential drug interactions, behavior patterns, health risks, etc. by examining a patient’s data.

This entire process becomes manageable with a cloud-based EHR software, where the technicalities are handled by the SaaS (Software as a Service) providers.

Along with this, a top EHR software will ensure that the patient files are kept safe, and there is no HIPPA violation. Healthcare professionals only have to concentrate on their job as doctors and clinical staff.

 Now that there is a clear understanding of the EHR software, let’s talk about its benefits.

What are the benefits of using a cloud-based EHR Software?

The tradition has been to have in-house servers storing patient data. Recently, several practices have become aware of the benefits of using the best EHR software. This has led to a number of practices making the shift.

Let’s take a look at the benefits of having a cloud-based EHR software:

  1. Reduced Requirements of IT Resources

With an in-house system, it becomes essential to have a team of IT professionals looking after the system. On the other hand, when all data is moved to the cloud, every aspect is handled by the SaaS provider. Updates become automated and there’s always an up-to-date version available.

  1. Simple Implementation

Since cloud-based EHR software is web-based, it does not require any hardware or software installation, cash flow is never interrupted. There’s a boost in return on investment as well.

  1. Easily Scalable

Even small healthcare clinics have the freedom to grow by simplifying the process of adding new doctors, patients, and locations to the system by using a top EHR software.

  1. Greater Collaborations and Accessibility

Cloud-based EHR software allows its users to log in securely from any location with a stable internet connection. In fact, it also allows professionals to log in from a remote location and keep in touch with their patients.

  1. Cost-Effective

Small clinics need to worry about EHR installation when it is client-server based. But with a cloud-based EHR software, there’s only a monthly fee that needs to be taken care of. 

EHR features and their importance

Considering the number of benefits that come with EHR, it is obvious that there is a certain importance that it holds.

Let’s take a look at how important it is to invest in the best electronic health records software:

  •         Scheduling appointments and editing them is easy.
  •         Workflow is more streamlined and productivity can be increased.
  •         Medical errors can be easily avoided with the help of inbuilt drug libraries and intuitive support tools
  •         Updating code-sets, fixing security patches, and renewing encryption certificates is done by service providers.
  •         A cloud-based EHR software will keep the patient information secure and can only be accessed by people who have been given the authorization.
  •         Order sets can be created i.e. a template that will simplify the process of filling a patient’s medical file.
  •         Prescriptions can be filled quickly and sent to patients and professionals in the same loop.

Read more about cloud-based EHR software here.

How to choose a perfect Cloud-Based EHR Software vendor (Questions to ask)

On one side, EHR software is making things easy for the healthcare industry. On the other hand, choosing the right EHR software is a tough choice.

There are various options available in the market. But there are a couple of questions you should ask yourself and your vendor before making the purchase.

The first thing you want to do is clear your goals, research, and then reach out to cloud-based EHR software vendors to ask some of the following questions:

  1. Where is the data stored?
  2. What are the fees? Are there any hidden fees?
  3. Who owns the data that is collected?
  4. What happens in case of a disagreement?
  5. Are you HIPPA compliant?
  6. Is your customer service available 24/7?
  7. Is there a demo available?
  8. Is training provided? For how many hours?


The top EHR software companies should offer you the best services possible. But in the pool of 100s of EHR service providers, it may be tough to pick out the right ones. Without a hint of bias, we bring to you the top 10 cloud-based EHR software choices that shed light on every aspect of the companies. The features, the pros, and the cons.

Check out our top 10 picks for the best cloud-based EHR software here


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