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The millennials are very focused on self-development; in the way they look. In fact, it is not restricted to the younger generation, even the middle aged don’t want to lose their looks.
A lot of treatments have come in the space of anti-ageing, skin maintenance, which are the best sellers.
They are :
White skin is the dream of all. From times im -memorable, fair skin has been considered as an ultimate sign of beauty. Various treatments were given and tried for same. Infact, it has become a great industry too. A very strong influence is the advertising about fair skin.
A lot many medical treatments have come about for same, such as Vitamin c, abrutin, hydroquinone, glutathione. Many of them are local applications in case you want to go ahead with face or local areas. Mostly people want full body changes. In these cases, we need to go for the systemic treatments with pills and injections.
These treatments are very popular too. Some of them are cleared by FDA, some are not.
The first Laser for hair reduction became commercially available in 1995. India is just waking up to the concept of LHR. Body hair especially is a girl’s worst nightmare, but now you have a permanent solution with Laser Hair Removal. In this procedure, a monochromatic beam of light penetrates the hair follicles and destroys it. It is a permanent hair removal procedure and safe with hardly any side-effects.
If you have a low pain threshold, you may find this procedure painful in some areas .Though this can be easily controlled by applying local anesthetic gels. . Some people may suffer a little bit of skin redness, but this is temporary.
Anti-ageing treatments (Botox and Fillers):
Chemical peels, dermabrasion, ultrasound energy devices, or laser resurfacing may be an option for moderate to severe facial sun damage. Deeper facial lines may be treated with botulinum toxin or fillers, including hyaluronic acid injections, your own fat, and Gore-Tex implants. A lot of famous personalities go in for this treatment, and it is the secret behind their youthful looking skin to look great on screen and off screen always.
As a cosmetology specialist, I will always advise to get these treatments done by reputed doctors, and at a reputed clinic or hospital which has ample experience in performing such treatments. If you have sensitive skin or are on any medication or have had any issues in the past, all these things should be informed to your doctor prior to the treatment. Following a good healthy diet and reducing and quitting habits like smoking, drinking and inculcating habits such as exercising and walking should do the trick. Drink lots of water and ensure you get good sound sleep as well for at least eight hours at night.
Dr Prerna Taneja, CEO, Eximus Clinic