FICCI and KPMG release report on ‘New age healthcare delivery models in India’

27 October 2023 | News

New age healthcare delivery models in the coming decade will be a combination of the metamorphosis of existing and newer ones

To discuss various facets of the emerging healthcare delivery landscape in India, FICCI and KPMG in India released a report titled ‘New age healthcare delivery models in India’ at the 17th edition of FICCI’s annual healthcare conference – ‘FICCI HEAL 2023’, on 26th October. This report aims to understand the influence of changing healthcare determinants and related challenges and highlights the importance of adopting new-age healthcare delivery models.

The success of the Indian healthcare sector in the coming decade will depend on the alignment and collaboration of the government, payers, private health providers and emerging new-age healthcare providers towards a common goal of “healthy India".

The report highlights 10 key enablers to foster new age healthcare delivery models-

  • Changing consumer behaviour and self-care/on-demand care 
  • Community Engagement
  • Population health Management
  • New avatars of providers
  • Digital technology and data-driven care 
  • Partnerships and collaborations across value chains
  • Healthcare financing 
  • Future healthcare workforce 
  • Sectoral reforms 
  • Data protection and data security 


Commenting on the report, Lalit Mistry, Partner and Co-Head, Healthcare Sector, KPMG in India said, “In the dynamic landscape of Indian healthcare, a profound transformation is underway, driven by innovation and the pressing needs of a diverse population. This new era has revolutionised the approach to healthcare delivery on multiple fronts, building on present infrastructures and systems while introducing new models in the value chain. This FICCI- KPMG in India report has meticulously examined existing and emerging healthcare delivery models in a comprehensive knowledge paper. Through consultations with diverse stakeholders in both public and private sectors, insights were gained into innovative models that hold the potential to redefine India's healthcare sector.”



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