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The Confederation of Accredited Healthcare Organizations (CAHO) has announced the launch of its ‘Healthcare Directory,’ an online platform connecting healthcare startups and practitioners at the recently concluded healthtech Summit – CAHOTECH 2023.
The directory aims to foster collaboration within India’s healthcare ecosystem by providing a common platform for various stakeholders like hospitals, diagnostic centers, medical device companies, health-tech startups, doctors, nurses, paramedics and healthcare administrators.
CAHO has over 500 hospitals, nursing homes and healthcare organizations under its umbrella. The new digital platform will allow CAHO members and non-members will be able to search for innovative solutions. Startups will be able to connect with medical practitioners and healthcare organizations to pilot their innovations. Startups and innovators will gain more visibility and the opportunity to partner with healthcare providers.
The directory will include listings for hospitals. Companies offering medical devices, health-tech solutions, wellness and fitness services will also be able to create a listing to increase their visibility. The Healthcare Directory is free to use and open to both members and non-members of CAHO.