Critical Care Hope receives Rs 3.2 Cr for setting up tele-ICUs in 5 states

March 07, 2023 | Tuesday | News

The financial assistance will improve access to critical care services in Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh

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The SAMRIDH Healthcare Blended Financing Facility has committed Rs 3.2 crore to Critical Care Hope to help expand its tech-enabled hub-and-spoke Tele-ICU platform that enables healthcare providers in tier 2 and 3 cities to deliver critical care services.

SAMRIDH is a multi-stakeholder innovation and financing platform supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by IPE Global. 

The ‘Tele-ICU’ platform is an innovative model, which allows an intensivist (a certified critical care physician) to actively manage the needs of 60-80 ICU patients across multiple locations, monitoring from a remote command centre. In a normal hospital scenario, an intensivist is required at the patient’s bedside, and thus can only manage 10-12 patients.

With this collaboration, Critical Care Hope aims to onboard 12 partner hospitals in tier-2 and 3 towns in Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh to deliver critical care services.

Critical Care Hope - “Guardian Angels of ICU”, is taking tertiary-level medical expertise to remote locations by making a network of partner hospitals to provide the ‘Right Care’ to the ‘Right Patient’ at the ‘Right Time’. The proposed hub and spoke model will create dedicated command centres called HOPES (Health Outcomes Focused Preventions and Evaluation System) – each of which will act as a centralised management (hub) for patients in need of critical care in remote sites (spokes).  

The HOPES hubs will bring together ICU specialists, advanced medical technologies, expertise and local hospitals on one platform, and offer 24x7 of monitoring patients, collecting and analysing data, and offering protocolled care and treatment interventions. The clinical tools and automated alerts provide real-time patient data and actionable insights that help in quick decision-making.



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