Art of Healing Cancer, a Gurugram-based cancer treatment centre in India, has announced its collaboration with Abnoba GmbH, Germany, to launch Mistletoe treatment in India.
Mistletoe treatment is an innovative and effective cancer therapy that has been used in Europe for many years. The treatment involves injecting a specially prepared mistletoe extract into the patient's body, which has been shown to stimulate the immune system, increase the body's ability to fight cancer cells, and reduce the side effects of conventional cancer treatments.
"This treatment has shown promising results in Europe, and we believe it will be a valuable addition to the cancer treatment options available in India. This treatment is available to patients in India through a special Drug license issued to every patient post evaluation by the doctors. The mistletoe plant extract contains Lectins and viscotoxins that are known to enhance the immune system and its capability to control cancer. It also helps in decreasing the side effects of standard cancer treatment like chemotherapy and radiation while some studies also suggest that it increases the efficacy of standard treatment. In some cases, it helps in wound healing and recovery post surgical resection of tumour. We shall be using Mistletoe as an Adjunct to standard treatment and will also collect data around it and once we have substantial data around it, we shall share the same with institutions like ICMR & Ministry of Ayush,” said Dr Mandeep Singh, Chief Oncologist, Art of Healing Cancer.