First of its kind foundation dedicated to endometriosis launches in India

10 October 2022 | News

More than 25 million women are estimated to be suffering from endometriosis in India

For the first time in India, a foundation dedicated to the cause of endometriosis and for endometriosis patients was launched in Hyderabad with the objective to create awareness and help frame health policies which benefit the endometriosis patients and general public and women in particular.

Endometriosis is one of the most common health conditions in the world, yet it is one of the most missed, misdiagnosed and misunderstood diseases. It affects 1 in 10 women. It is a condition that can cause chronic pelvic pain, painful periods, painful sex, bowel and bladder problems, fatigue, difficulty getting pregnant and other symptoms. 

To tackle this silent debilitating condition in our country, the Endometriosis Foundation of India has been initiated. The Foundation is headquartered in Hyderabad with advocacy groups throughout the country.

The foundation was the brain child of Dr Vimee Bindra - Fertility Enhancing Surgery Specialist: Endometriosis Excision Surgery Specialist & Co-Founder “ENDOCRUSADERS”.  The foundation will have eminent personalities from various fields. 

With a multi-pronged approach, the Foundation aims to be active in the following areas-

  • Implementing guidelines and quality standards on Endometriosis treatment, diagnosis and care
  • Increasing education at care-giver level
  • Investing in endometriosis awareness through a public health campaign
  • Facilitating an India-wide patient advocacy programme that acts as a vital support system for pre-op, post-op and mental health of endometriosis patients
  • Devise and execute funding programmes for endometriosis research




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