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A study conceived by Dr Anoop Misra, Executive Chairman and Director, Diabetes and Endocrinology, Fortis C-DOC, conducted jointly by Fortis C-DOC, AIIMS, C-NET, N-DOC and Diabetes Foundation and published in the journal, Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews, reveals that Type 2 diabetes (T2D) patients who had COVID-19 showed significantly more fatigue when compared with patients who did not have COVID-19. The results show that diabetes complicates the course of COVID-19 and results in excess morbidity and mortality; the presence of diabetes also influences PCS via various pathophysiological mechanisms. Further, diabetes poses challenges in the recovery of patients. This is a first of its kind study globally.
The study objective was to assess the prevalence of fatigue using the CFQ-11 and handgrip strength (as a surrogate marker for sarcopenia or muscle mass and power) in patients with Type 2 diabetes after COVID-19 infection and to compare them against patients with diabetes without a history of COVID-19. The sample size assessed was 108 type 2 diabetes patients.
The methodology followed was to assess patients with T2D who came to the OPD at Fortis CDOC Hospital for Diabetes and Allied Sciences, New Delhi. Patients studied included 52 Type 2 Diabetes patients who had suffered from COVID with mild to moderate severity; 56 Type 2 diabetes patients who did not suffer from COVID. Both groups were matched for age, duration of diabetes, BMI, TSH, serum albumin and vitamin D levels. Matching was done for common factors which may cause fatigue; 25(OH)D, serum albumin and TSH levels. The average time of presentation of patients post-COVID was 92 (range 32-262) days. Symptoms were scored using Chalder Fatigue Scale (reported as fatigue score, FS) and handgrip strength (in kg) was recorded by Jamar Hydraulic Hand Dynamometer.