20 February 2018 | News
Based on the response, new born screening labs will be set up at other government hospitals in a phased manner.
Image credit- b-live.in
Neuberg Diagnostics has entered into a public private partnership (PPP) with Tamil Nadu government to set up newborn screening laboratory at Institute of Child Health in Chennai.
The newborn screening lab will become operational by next month. Newborn screening begins within 24 to 48 hours of a child's birth when a few drops of blood are obtained from a heel stick. After the sample dries, it is tested at lab for hidden congenital (present at birth) disorders and other disorders that are often not apparent at birth. Such disorders may be inherited, infectious, or caused by a medical problem of the mother.
Based on the response, new born screening labs will be set up at other government hospitals in a phased manner. The dried blood spot collected from newborns in government hospitals in parts of Tamil Nadu can be transported to the Chennai lab at normal temperature for screening.
Neuberg Diagnostics is developing Bengaluru lab as centre of excellence in the area of proteomics, metabolomics and newborn screening.