Courtesy- Practo
To give impetus to young cancer researchers, Cytecare Cancer Hospitals in association with Australia & Asia Pacific Clinical Oncology Research Development (ACORD) hosted a workshop on ‘Clinical Research Writing’ at Cytecare Cancer Hospital.
The objective of this one day workshop hosted is to help early career researchers turn their ideas for clinical cancer research into persuasive 1-page concept outlines. Concept outlines are an ideal starting point for writing study protocols, letters of intent to industry or grant applications to funding bodies.
Speaking about the workshop Dr. Vikram Kekatpure Senior Consultant Head & Neck Surgical Oncology said, "Future therapy and progress in oncology will depend on quality clinical research. Cytecare has partnered with ACORD which facilitates clinical research and development in Asia Pacific, the workshop intent to develop young and future oncologist as clinician scientist for betterment oncology care in our country".
The workshop had sessions by seasoned oncologists like Dr. Hari Menon & Dr. Prasad Narayanan of Cytecare Cancer Hospitals and Dr. Andrew Martin from NHMRC Clinical Trials Center, University of Sydney, Australia & Dr. Gary Clark from Colorado, USA.
Participants were notified to be prepared with an idea for a clinical research study which was discussed during the course of the workshop, faculty members helped participants leave with a persuasive one-page concept outline. The workshop program included short presentations, written exercises and group discussion.
The participants were encouraged to submit their completed concept outlines as part of an application to attend the next 7-day ACORD Protocol Development Workshop scheduled for September 2018, in Queensland, Australia.