The Indian Government's plans to develop 100 smart cities in the country, for which Rs 7,060 crore has been allocated in the current budget.
The Union Govt has also announced a draft IoT policy.
The government of India has launched the Digital India Program aimed at transforming India into a digitally empowered and knowledge economy. There is a huge push for setting up digital infrastructure, creating smart cities across the country and using IoT to create solutions for problems faced in manufacturing, agriculture, energy, health and other industries.
Also, as per reports earlier this year, the government is planning offering incentives to VC-funded start-ups, which work on Internet of Things technologies, to further boost its 'Make in India' programme.
April 9 is celebrated as Internet of Things Day (IoTDay). Bangalore Alpha Labs (BAL) and IoT Bangalore (IoTBLR) launched the city's very first IoT Lab on the occasion of IoTDay last year.
The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE) has signed a MoU with IESA (India Electronics & Semiconductor Association) to promote start-ups and entrepreneurs in fabless semiconductor and electronic products in the IoT or connected devices space.