More often than not in an emergency situation like accidents or brain haemorrhage the patients need immediate medical attentions however there is considerable time that is lost to conduct the preliminary checkups that result in untimely death of the patient who could possibly be saved. This is due to lack of communication between different point-of-care devices and clinicqal information systems. There are too many types of protocols and interfaces that are being used by hospitals, lack of proprietary data and inability of interoperability.
With the introduction and implementation of remote access informationdevices that are accessible and has the ability of interoperatibility from any remote place and transmit data at any given time will result in saving lives in case of emergency situation. Prisma Global limited introduces a product called Medibox or MDS3. Built with advanced Prisma Global technologies inside, this small but highly capable system incorporates leading-edge features. It provides better connectivity between doctor and the patient.
Prisma MDS allows the doctor to check the measurements whenever they need to access it. In addition to remote accessibility, remote monitoring can support more timely, safe and extensive care of patients health. Prisma MDS connectivity provides vital data to service providers such as Blood pressure, blood glucose, Electronic cardiogram, Weighing scale, Pace maker and body temperature from patients residence. On the other side Prisma MDS is also connected with server and modem which is again linked with Tele Medicine Centre that shares the data with Tele Medicine Terminal where clinician can easily check patients measurements.