Mr Sam Santhosh, CEO, MedGenome
The integration will provide VarSeq users with the option to access over 2 million annotated cancer variants.
OncoMD is a comprehensive knowledge base of cancer-specific genetic alterations captured from peer-reviewed scientific publications by a team of biomedical curators.
After filtering variants of interest using VarSeq, customers can quickly prioritize actionable variants using OncoMD and make clinical decisions based on sensitivity of variants to approved drugs and enrollment to open clinical trials.
"This is an exciting partnership with Golden Helix to be able to deliver a robust medical informatics solution that enables precision medicine in the global clinical market," said Mr Sam Santhosh, CEO, MedGenome.
"Providing VarSeq users with access to OncoMD, allows clinicians to better tailor diagnostic and therapeutic strategies to individual patients", said Mr Andreas Scherer, president & CEO, Golden Helix. "Having key insights to cancer hotspots and known drug sensitivities, essentially moves precision medicine forward."
VarSeq software streamlines the process of annotating and filtering variants obtained from NGS pipelines, allowing both research scientists and clinicians to find variants of interest in a very efficient and straightforward manner.
VarSeq simplifies the user interface and provides a scalable architecture featuring repeatable workflows, note taking, reporting, and filter parameter prototyping.