Image source: mapmygenome
Mapmygenome has recently announced the launch of a new product Covisafe™, a collection kit for COVID diagnostic testing. CSIR-Centre for cellular and molecular biology validated and certified the kit to be as per ICMR protocols.
The kit developed by the Hyderabad based company consists of a nasopharyngeal/oropharyngeal swab which, post sampling, is placed in a stabilizing solution containing RNAShield™, a proprietary US FDA approved reagent from US-based Zymo Research.
The solution effectively inactivates the virus without compromising the integrity of DNA/RNA. The reagent does not interfere with the downstream process and need not be removed from the sample, before or during RNA extraction. Mapmygenome is committed to providing COVID-19 reagents and collection kits that DO NOT USE bovine or swine derived ingredients.
Advantages of Covisafe kit:
The Covisafe kit can be used directly in the lab (no preprocessing needed to remove the stabilizer reagent) and is compatible with RNA extraction kits from standard providers such as Roche, Qiagen, ThermoFisher, etc.