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New Delhi based Mahajan Imaging is one of India's most renowned diagnostic imaging centers, and the collaboration agreement is expected to strengthen Swedish firm SyntheticMR's marketing efforts in India.
Mahajan Imaging are already utilizing SyntheticMR's solution integrated on GE scanners, sold as MAGiC, to speed up the MR workflow. Now they are adding the latest FDA-cleared quantitative imaging solution, SyMRI, to many of their clinical protocols.
"This provides a great tool for challenging clinical cases, for example screening premature children or in the follow-up of patients with neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer's," says Dr Sriram Rajan, Head of MR research at CARING, the R&D division of Mahajan Imaging.
"CARING has also been actively working on establishing new use-cases of MAGIC outside the brain. We have a presentation on using MAGIC for Quantitative Cartilage Mapping at the European Congress of Radiology in July," added Dr. Rajan.
"We see great potential in quantitative MRI on the Indian market," says Ulrik Harrysson, CEO at SyntheticMR. "Working together with Mahajan Imaging will further support our sales and marketing efforts in India."