Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd. (AHEL), Asia’s largest and most trusted multi-specialty chain of hospitals, recently showcased the group’s prowess in cardiac care in the largest cohort of cases treated with advanced cardiac interventional methods. These include three key innovations – MitraClip, TAVI (Trans-catheter Aortic Valve Implantation) or TAVR (Trans-catheter Aortic Valve Replacement) and MICS CABG or MICAS (Minimally Invasive Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery). Specialists in structural and interventional cardiology at Apollo Hopsitals have successfully performed 6 MitraClip procedures out of the 9 performed in India, over 85 TAVI/TAVRs with excellent clinical outcomes and a nation-leading 1250+ MICS CABGs with superior outcomes at par with international standards, at only 1/2 or 1/3rd the cost compared to global price matrix.
Emphasizing Apollo Hospitals’ pioneering position in bringing the cutting edge of medical technology to India, Dr Prathap C Reddy, Founder and Chairman, Apollo Hospitals Group said, "Globally, an estimated 17 million people die of cardiovascular disease every year. Today, we have the power of technology and we must harness this to empower us in the battle against this epidemic of heart disease. In line with our mission to bring healthcare of International standards within the reach of every individual, we have also been a pioneer in the field of cardiac care, and it is our constant endeavor to get the latest technology to benefit our patients. We are indeed proud to showcase our achievements in bringing futuristic cardiac care with state of the art medical technology to the country. Over the years Apollo Hospitals has established itself as home to the largest cardiac practice in India, and I am no doubt that today we are not just the largest, but the most advanced!”
Ms. Sangita Reddy, Joint Managing Director, Apollo Hospitals Group said, “The need of the hour is to have a robust scientific approach to identify the challenges in India in dealing with the patients affected with cardiac disease. This allows us to work towards a future where cardiovascular care is population-based, weighing cost and outcomes, but individually tailored and thoroughly coordinated around patients. Today, the role of technology in healthcare is as inseparable as a shadow to a body. Our services are designed to give more control, choices, and knowledge to patients. Technology can enable better access to medical care, lower costs of healthcare delivery and enhance the clinical outcome. We firmly believe that adoption of technological innovations is the fundamental enabler for future care delivery focused on pinpointing initiatives to enhance clinical and patient experience. With our prowess in harnessing cutting edge technology, we at Apollo Hospitals are committed to deliver best in cardiac care to our patients in India and around the globe”
Elaborating on the modern techniques in interventional cardiology, Dr. Sai Satish, Senior Interventional Cardiologist, Apollo Hospitals said, “Apollo Hospitals is constantly striving to bring the latest advanced therapies for patients in India. These include the newer structural interventions including MitraClip and TAVI/TAVR which allow many patients with severe cardiac risks who cannot undergo surgery to benefit from minimally invasive therapies. The newer advancements in technology gives us the tools to add years to life - and life to years - of a patient. No one is never too old, thanks to technology.”
Dr. Sengottuvelu G., Senior Consultant and Interventional Cardiologist said, “Apollo Hospitals is constantly striving to bring the latest advanced therapies for patients in India and is uniquely placed as the academic TAVR centre of excellence with many milestone achievements. Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR), also known as Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) is the most cutting edge procedure being conducted at Apollo Hospitals, and allows a cardiologist to replace a malfunctioning valve in a patient’s heart in a minimally invasive procedure without cutting open the chest. It is a promising alternative to open heart surgery giving elderly patients a second chance at life.”
Dr. Srinivas Kumar A, Cardiologist, Apollo Hospitals, Hyderabad and Director of National Interventional Council said, “In 2018, Apollo Hospitals performed the largest number of coronary interventions with 19681 patients treated which at 4.49% was the highest of all the coronary interventions performed in India. Today, the Apollo group of hospitals are leading the nation in undertaking highest number of Coronary Interventions in India; With 29 Cathlab facilities and 300+ Cardiovascular clinicians, Apollo Hospital is well-positioned to enhance their service offering across the country.”
Dr. Sathyaki P Nambala, Senior Consultant, Cardio-Thoracic and Vascular Surgery said, “MCIS requires advanced training and besides Apollo Hospitals, there are only a handful of centers all over the world that are capable of performing MICS safely. Apollo Hospitals, Bengaluru sees surgeons visiting us from all over the globe for training in MICS. Going forward, we aim to train more surgeons to make this treatment option available for the patients everywhere. The aim is to augment our existing MICS program with Robotics technology to make Apollo Hospitals as an international destination for the advance cardiac care.
Apollo Hospitals has been committed to treating the cardiac patients through innovative, modern state-of-the-art medical techniques with a renowned team of specialists. Today, it is an undoubted leader in three key innovations – MitraClip, TAVI (Trans-catheter Aortic Valve Implantation) or TAVR (Trans-catheter Aortic Valve Replacement) and MICS (Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery).
MitraClip comes as a godsend to patients with Heart Failure due to Mitral regurgitation. Mitral regurgitation is a major component, worsening outcomes in heart failure patients and contributing to the extremely high mortality of 50% in 5 years. This revolutionary new device has been proven to drastically improve outcomes in these patients. The MitraClip has come as a blessing to heart failure patients and simply repairs the mitral valve by clipping its leaflets together. The procedure is performed in a Cardiac Cath Lab via a vein in the leg. The recovery is dramatic with the patients feeling better the very next day. The Apollo Hospitals Group is among a select few centers in India accredited to perform the MitraClip procedure for heart failure patients with a high success rate due to the skill and expertise of the doctors performing the treatment with stringent quality control. Led by Dr. Sai Satish, Senior Interventional Cardiologist, Apollo Hospitals is the leading center in India performing 6 of the 9 MitraClip procedures performed in India
Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) or Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) allows a cardiologist to replace a malfunctioning valve in a patient’s heart in a minimally invasive procedure without cutting open the chest. It is performed for a common heart valve disease called aortic stenosis that leads to significant mortality and morbidity in the elderly population. Until recently, the diseased valve could only be replaced by open heart surgery which was difficult in old age. TAVI has emerged as a promising alternative for open heart surgery giving elderly patients a second chance at life. TAVI repairs the valve without removing the old, damaged valve. A fully collapsible replacement valve is taken to the valve site through a catheter. Once the new valve is expanded, it pushes the old valve leaflets out of the way and the tissue in the replacement valve takes over the job of regulating blood flow. TAVR / TAVI team is led by Dr. Sengottuvelu G., Senior Consultant and Interventional Cardiologist.
MICS (Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery) CABG is changing everything about coronary bypass. Gone are the days of prolonged hospitalization and even longer recovery. Even following a triple vessel bypass, hospital stay is a mere 2 days as unlike conventional heart surgery, recovery is rapid, with faster mobilization and rehabilitation. 80% of patients receive no blood transfusion. Post-surgery, patients are walking within 24 hours of operation. Pain management is simple. Those who have undergone MICS CABG seem mentally stronger and more confident during their recovery immediately after the procedure. MICS is the most advanced method of bypassing blocked blood vessels in your heart without splitting or cutting through the breastbone (sternotomy). The outcomes have been exceptionally good and better than the best hospitals in the world. The procedure ideal in diabetics and older patients who have poor resistance to infection and poor fitness for traditional surgery. Apollo Hospitals is one of the few centers across the world capable of performing MICS safely with a highly skilled team led by Dr. Sathyaki P Nambala, Senior Consultant, Cardio-Thoracic and Vascular Surgery.
Additionally, Apollo Hospitals has also been at forefront in adopting AI (Artificial intelligence) in the area of disease diagnosis and prevention. The Apollo Hospitals partnership with Microsoft’s AI Network for AI-powered Cardiovascular Disease Risk Score API in India is a successful example in early diagnosis and prevention of cardiac disease.
The death rate due to cardiovascular diseases (CVD) rose by around 34% in India between 1990 and 2016 and continues to rise as the leading cause of death. The World Health Organization has set the goal of reducing the risk of premature mortality (30 to 69 years of age) due to NCDs, including cardiac disorders, by 25% by 2025.
Structural and Interventional Cardiology is passing into a new era of medical science in India. Future advances in medical technology with a wider use of structural heart therapies including TAVR, LAAC (left atrial appendage closure) and TMV (transcatheter mitral valve) repair and replacement, including repair of surgically inserted valves through MICS will help achieve the reduction in death due to CVD. Apollo Hospitals’ team with extensive experience in Structural and Interventional Cardiology will work to deliver high rates of success at part with international standards.