Hycor Biomedical, a leading manufacturer of in vitro diagnostic products for allergy and autoimmune testing.
The company announced that it has applied the CE mark to its allergy testing system, NOVEOS™ along with an initial menu of Total IgE and over one hundred Specific IgE allergen reagents.
In NOVEOS only 4µL of patient sample volume is required which can be especially important in pediatric and geriatric sampling.
It had great capacity for up to 8 hours of continuous testing. This eliminates the need to continuously replenish materials throughout a typical work day.
It allows maximum walk away time for laboratory technicians by allowing up to 75 tests per specific allergen and up to 140 allergens on the system at any time.
As the allergen industry moves to more highly enriched or standardized extracts, the NOVEOS system has incorporated these materials to provide more consistent and accurate results.
Hycor will be seeking 510(k) clearance from the Food and Drug Administration in the United States in the future.