(Photo Courtesy: www.treatmentformultiplesclerosis.net)
A study that was conducted on 12 MS patients using human embryonic stem cell (hESC) therapy over two and half years has shown that all the patients suffering from irritability and vision impairment showed improvement in mood and vision post stem cell therapy.
Almost 91.6 percent of patients had difficulty in walking with 45.45% showing improvement. 83.3 percent suffered from excessive fatigue. This reduced in all the patients with 40 percent becoming normal.
The study of human embryonic stem cells is promising but no hospital specializes in such treatment. Nutech Mediworld is the only centre in India and the world offering hESC. Located in the heart of New Delhi, it attracts hundreds of patients suffering from many incurable diseases from across the world such as UK, USA and Europe.
Embryonic stem cells are conventionally derived from the inner cell mass of the blastocyst.
They are cultured in the laboratory and have been shown to regenerate tissue.
Recently, USA approved a few FDA approved clinical trials.